Serves a Crowd

Naughty Rhubarb Scones

June 26, 2021
31 Ratings
Photo by James Ransom
  • Prep time 45 minutes
  • Cook time 20 minutes
  • Serves 12-16 scones
Author Notes

My mom, who churned out many a tasty scone in her day, wasn't so hot on the idea of rhubarb in scones, "too tart, honey." Boy was she ever wrong. Rhubarb's tang is the perfect foil for the super rich scone (I subbed heavy cream for the milk and upped the salt in my mom's recipe, hence the naughty). You almost don't need jam, but if you went that route, strawberry would be a natural, and clotted cream for the full-on naughty experience. - Midge —Midge

Test Kitchen Notes

WHO: Midge is a journalist, mostly on the travel beat (feel free to envy her).
WHAT: A cream scone that needs no jam or butter.
HOW: Slice rhubarb, toss into a quick-leavened dough, pat, slice, bake.
WHY WE LOVE IT: As long as there's rhubarb to be had, this is our go-to weekend brunch and teatime snack. —The Editors

What You'll Need
  • 3 stalks rhubarb
  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 8 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup vanilla sugar
  • 2/3 cup heavy cream (up to 3/4 cup)
  1. Preheat oven to 425° F.
  2. Slice rhubarb stalks 1/4 " thick. Toss with 3 tablespoons of the sugar.
  3. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together in large bowl or bowl of food processor.
  4. Cut butter into flour mixture by hand (or whiz with food processor) until butter is the size of small peas.
  5. Blend in 1/4 cup of the sugar.
  6. Blend in sliced rhubarb. (If using the food processor, just pulse -- you want the slices left mostly intact.)
  7. Blend in cream until a soft dough forms. (note: you may need to add more than 2/3 cup depending on the weather,etc.)
  8. Transfer dough to floured surface and divide in half. To make triangular scones, flatten into 6-inch disks and cut each circle into 6-8 scones. Sprinkle with remaining sugar.
  9. Arrange on ungreased cookie sheet and bake about 20 minutes or until reddish-brown on top.
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Recipe by: Midge

I’m a journalist who’s covered everything from illegal logging in Central America to merit pay for teachers, but these days I write mostly about travel. I’ve been lucky enough to find myself in some far-flung locales, where poking around markets and grocery stores is my favorite thing to do. Cooking, especially baking, is my way of winding down after a long day; there’s nothing like kneading bread dough to bring you back to earth.

126 Reviews

DeniseJohn June 2, 2024
I made 12 scones using a good processor and baked them for 23 minutes. They did not rise like the scones in the photo, were too brown on the bottom, and were gooey inside. I used only 2/3 C of heavy cream. I agree that there needs to be a measurement for the rhubarb. Next time I’ll make them by hand.
Heidi G. May 31, 2024
I wish I had read the recipe more carefully before making these? 3 stalks of rhubarb is very vague. The stalks at the store today were huge! I used one. I cut the rhubarb into what turned out to be too big. I was going to use the food processor, but it was overflowing before I added the rhubarb, so I added the dough to the bowl with the rhubarb, and mixed by hand. It was very difficult to incorporate the rhubarb evenly. The mixture was to wet as the rhubarb gave off a lot of juice! I had to add about a 1/4 of flour.
The only saving grace is that they do taste good.
hAndyman May 15, 2024
This is the 10th rhubarb season in a row that I have made these scones - still yummy, made 2 batches last Sunday morning. I used about 270 g of diced rhubarb in each batch of 12 scones, and I used 10% cream, but usually use milk and add a tablespoon more butter. I can highly recommend using raspberries in place of the rhubarb when raspberry season starts.
ustabahippie May 15, 2024
Rhubarb is still almost $10/lb around here!! 😩
Sara K. March 1, 2023
This is entire extended family’s favorite scone. Rhubarb isn’t as plentiful in states and so I often sub in a cup of softened raisins or craisins (just pour boiling water on them and steep for a minute or two and drain). You just use more cream if you use something other than rhubarb.
Claire May 12, 2022
Feel free to envy? Really?
Mary B. August 18, 2021
Substituted 3 cups of drained sour cherries for the rhubarb
Added 1 tsp each of vanilla and almond extract
Had to bake an extra 14 minutes due to high altitude
jacky143 June 22, 2021
Made these today using 4 peaches. This recipe handled the extra fruit nicely. I chilled the scones 10 minutes before baking. Very pleased with the result.
THEToughCookie June 16, 2021
I made these scones for the first time on Monday. I froze the unbaked scones (aluminum free baking powder), then wrapped them individually, and stored in the freezer. I pulled out the runt of the litter this morning to taste test it. They are sensational! I hope they last in the freezer for 2 weeks til out of town guests come for the 4th. Rhubarb rhules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LDM December 26, 2020
I recently made these again, using cranberries instead of rhubarb. So delicious! Might want to put in a little orange zest. This is a great recipe. Love it.
NNNicki December 24, 2020
This recipe is excellent and is my absolute go to whenever I make scones. I first made these with about 2 cups of rhubarb and half cup of white chocolate chunks. The scones turned out perfectly. This morning I adapted it to include about 1.5 cups diced pears and 3/4 cup pomegranate seeds. Another winner! We agreed these are better than our favorite coffee shop scones. I never have heavy cream on hand, so I mix about 1/2 cup 5% fat Fage yogurt and 1/4 cup coconut milk until it's smooth and it's the perfect substitute.
Leslie June 30, 2020
Like many others, I love this recipe! These scones are crisp on the outside and moist on the inside. I added a 1/2 teaspoon of ground cardamom, which complimented the rhubarb beautifully.
Laura M. June 9, 2020
I love this recipe and make it multiple times every spring when my rhubarb comes in. Scones are moist and have a great texture. I pulse everything in the food processor but mix the rhubarb in by hand before adding the cream.
Claire May 12, 2022
Thank you for the tip.
Zeta R. June 3, 2020
Love this recipe! Our family has been fortunate enough to receive gifts of rhubarb from both friends and family this spring. My daughter and I made these scones to go with our first homemade batch of lemon curd - so good! We both appreciate tart things. I skipped sprinkling sugar on top (even though the crunchy caramelization of sugar is super tasty) as I try to cut back on sugar in small ways wherever I can. There was enough in the scones and the lemon curd. Thanks for sharing this simple recipe :-)
LDM May 31, 2020
I just made these scones, and they were absolutely delicious! My only concern was how much rhubarb to actually use. 3 stalks can vary quite a bit depending on the size of the stalk. I went for about 2 cups, which was perfect. I gave a couple away as gifts, and we ate the rest. Makes a delicious rhubarb shortcake for dessert, too, with rhubarb sauce and ice cream, if you so desire. I'll definitely make them again.
Claire May 12, 2022
Thank you for the tip. Stalks is rather vague so measuring in grams or cups is appreciated.
Marcelline May 30, 2020
I discovered rhubarb and this recipe 5 years ago and I wanted to say that no matter what else I make with rhubarb, this recipe is always the one that gets me. It is my favorite way to use rhubarb, showcasing its subtle tart flavor. Every rhubarb season, I come back to this one! Thank you so much for this simple and reliable recipe!
GirlWomanPerson February 3, 2020
Made this recipe with rhubarb I had chopped, poached in sugar syrup and dehydrated. Worked wonderfully. Very easy and a nice balance of flavors. Love it!
crystalx July 17, 2019
These are super good! Just enough sugar to cut the edge of the tart rhubarb. I used around 300g of rhubarb, which was good. Really nice and fluffy.
Candace July 3, 2019
I am not one to ever write reviews. No particular reason why, but I had to share that I tried out this recipe today and they were sooo good!!! Definitely hard to eat just one.
Thank you for sharing this recipe I will be making them again next summer when I can get my hands on more Rhubarb :)
Christine May 26, 2019
I used frozen rhubarb I defrosted in microwave and drained. Also didn't have vanilla sugar, so I just worked a little pure vanilla extract into some granulated sugar with my fingers and it was a tasty topping to these delicious scones. So, so good!