Photo by Julia Gartland

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December 23, 2021
Was expecting to see some photo examples of your tips..also, since you were bragging about your tidy fridge, I thought we'd actually see it.
September 24, 2021
I have done some of the suggested organizing but I always hate labels getting stuck on containers. Painters tape works well, but are there others that peel off well without leaving sticky stuff?
Caitlin W.
December 23, 2021
I use ‘washi’ tape to label everything in my kitchen- it doesn’t leave any sort of residue and you can even re-use the same label if you need! That stuff is magic!
C F.
September 23, 2021
I use the cardboard carrier that a 6 pack of beer comes in to corral small condiment bottles in the door of the frig. Keeps them from falling over and the compartments are just the right size for bottles of ketchup, etc. Cut off the handle at the top and it fits just right.
I also use plastic shoe boxes in the freezer to keep like items together, i.e. fruit, veggies, etc. (I know, "plastic bad" but glass wouldn't work in there :-{
I also use plastic shoe boxes in the freezer to keep like items together, i.e. fruit, veggies, etc. (I know, "plastic bad" but glass wouldn't work in there :-{
September 21, 2021
Also a note about storing used items together. This only works if they can be stored in like ways. deli meats and bread should NOT be stored in the same areas of the fridge, not should mayo and eggs.....Just saying.
September 21, 2021
I have read several of these article from F52 over the years. Again may I remind folks that plastics are no longe a sound investment. May I make alternate suggestions: Use Debbie Meyer food boxes for produce and cheese storage? They work great. I also use her bags. yes they are plastic. But they can be reused many times (many more than the 10 times reported on the packaging)--I have some that are a couple of year old, reused at least weekly. I throw them away when the are full of holes. They wash well, even if . need to use a little soapy water to get our residue. Her green boxes also keep food well. Good quality products going in will stay fresh for a week or more, depending on the type of produce. I like the beg bread box: holds a lot and can hold a variety of items fresh for quite a while: mine generally has in it a couple of lemons/limes, head of red cabbage (never use the whole thing in one meal), bunch of small bell peppers, radishes (stems removed day of purchase and used for salad as they do not keep), and part of a red onion. the onion Is in an onion keeper is in a small bowl and covered with a vinyl bowl cover--still keeps longer inside the box!. this box gets just about whatever will fit in it at the time that I need to keep: avocados, stone fruit, broccoli or cauliflower. The do keep at varying stages of time. And I will take note of author's comments about which to store together. Maybe a 2nd green box is in order (I just have a small fridge in a studio apartment so space is a premium). There are smaller green boxes as well for smaller items, or smaller volume, such as bagged lettuces, cilantro or other herbs. One trick with these boxes is line the bottom with a piece of paper towel or cotton dish cloth and cover produce with same. This is to absorb condensation and prolong life of veggies. Replace as towels become wet. I reuse the paper towels after they dry. Another suggestion I have is using elasticized vinyl bowl covers. Vermont Country Store sells the best version of these, as the vinyl is pretty heavy duty. Mine have lasted about 8 years so far. There are 6 sizes in the order. I use them to directly cover a piece of cut fruit (that I then place in my big green box if it will fit) or over the bowl. Then accommodate a wide variety of sizes of produce and bowls from cut watermelon to tomatoes or onion and can go over a bowl with dough in it for rising (rise this in the micro, not a heated oven, or it will melt). I have not purchased a roll of plastic wrap in more than a decade!. There are much green ways to do many of the suggestions listed in this list. Also, I note the tall bottles of wine in the fridge front and center. What is with this. One then has to remove them, reach over or around them and try not to knock them down reaching for stuff behind them. Much better to put them on the sides of the shelf so that the are not in the way of the rest of the items in the fridge. Easier to reach behind if they are at the side. So, this list has some good heads-up but poor execution.
Caroline M.
September 21, 2021
Great tips! We also wouldn't recommend plastic wrap or baggies at this point, we have lots of reusable options in our shop and most of our staff has a habit of collecting jars and containers for reuse.
June 27, 2020
I am confused, is this post from 2020, or 2019? If it is from 2019, may I suggest that you at least offer alternatives to plastic please? I went through the thread and found comments on plastic from 2019, yet you did nothing to update your recommendations to acknowledge those comments. This is not political anymore, we need to think about how plastics impact our food systems and us.
Caroline M.
September 21, 2021
We regularly update our older content to make sure it's as accurate as possible, which includes this one! We've also removed all suggestions for single-use plastics, we're not into that either!
June 20, 2020
I just bought a new fridge for my place and I would love to be able to keep it running well! That is a good idea to prolong the life of produce, greens, fruits, etc. Further more details visit this website :
June 20, 2020
I just bought a new fridge for my place and I would love to be able to keep it running well! That is a good idea to prolong the life of produce, greens, fruits, etc. Further more details visit this website :
Anne J.
March 25, 2020
I’m begging you, place meat and/or fish on a plate or tray with a rim because with the best intentions there always seem to be drips, and if we include chicken now we potentially have salmonella at loose in the refrigerator, at the very least a nasty mess that dries to a calk like hardness. Unless, of course, your meat or fish don’t behave as mine do.
March 25, 2020
Good grief! Live in SF Bay area. The only thing happening to my refrigerator and freezer (luckily a big stand up one in the garage full of premade homemade food and ingredients and a fridge that was luckily loaded with produce before the quarantine) is that everything is slowly disappearing. No need to organize...just need to coordinate meals that will keep us IN for as long as possible! Thank god I have so much on hand!!! I feel like we are in a sci fi movie!
December 20, 2019
Old fashioned brown paper lunch bags and glass mason jars are still the best storage tools for the fridge and pantry.
June 4, 2019
Please stop all the plastic wrap and plastic bag recommendations! Care for our planet first.
September 18, 2019
Agreed. Glass and metal containers, bees wax fabric wraps, etc. are good viable options. I'm also working on shopping with a specific, well thought out list to avoid buying too much of something that won't last well (fresh herbs, etc.) and plan meals before shopping. It helps.
June 3, 2019
Great information! I already use quite a bit of these tips but an additional tip to prolong the life of produce, greens, fruits, etc. is Blue Apple - which you place in your produce drawer - each Blue Apple has an insert that absorbs ethylene gas - retarding the rate at which your tender greens, produce and fruits go from edible to inedible. The insert is replaced every 3 months. The Blue Apples had made a big difference in my fridge.
Christine A.
June 3, 2019
One exception to the herbs-in-water-in-fridge: Basil. If you put it in your fridge, the cold will shock the greens and make they grey and wilty and gross, according to first-hand experience and the wonderful Jill Lightner (author of Scraps, Peels, and Stems). Still trim and keep in water; changing the water and re-trimming every few days will keep 'em fresh and happy for longer. If your kitchen gets hot -- like 80 degrees F -- keep them out of direct sunlight, too.
One exception to the herbs-in-water-in-fridge: Basil. If you put it in your fridge, the cold will shock the greens and make they grey and wilty and gross, according to first-hand experience and the wonderful Jill Lightner (author of Scraps, Peels, and Stems). Still trim and keep in water; changing the water and re-trimming every few days will keep 'em fresh and happy for longer. If your kitchen gets hot -- like 80 degrees F -- keep them out of direct sunlight, too.
June 2, 2019
Stop attacking the plastic and food 52. Until the world changes the distribution of plastic it’s a fact of life. I don’t like it but I do like the article. If you bought the food in plastic thus you have plastic on your hands. Then it’s your choice how to handle.
Rosalind P.
June 2, 2019
You are right about plastic being a fact of life and we all need to be reminded of that, so thank you for that. And it's equally important to be reminded that we all have a role to play in addressing and solving the problem. It is as you say our choice to handle it but because Food 52 is such an outstanding site and usually has such a great approach to everything it tackles, it is, as they say now, an "influencer". If they have a voice, all of us admirers are asking that they use that voice to help.
breff M.
October 27, 2019
If you have glass (or other) containers with lids, you can use them instead of plastic wrap or foil.
Also, a correction: fresh eggs do not need to be stored in the fridge.
Also, a correction: fresh eggs do not need to be stored in the fridge.
January 7, 2020
My understanding is that because of the way most eggs are processed in the US, they should be refrigerated. Unless you have access to real fresh chicken eggs, that is!
Anne J.
March 25, 2020
They are washed in US, in UK they are not, and therefore retain natural protective coating which keeps them fresh, so unless they come straight from the hen they need to be refrigerated in the US.
June 2, 2019
Love the site, great recipes, items for sale, etc... so I was super disappointed to read how much plastic you suggest I use to organize my fridge. Please don’t sell earth-friendly items and suggest a more conscious way of living in one article and contradict yourself in the next. Walk the walk. I’m inclined to support companies that live by their word (think Patagonia).
June 2, 2019
I try to consume fruits and vegetables rapidly to avoid spoilage. I do this by making vegetable soups and freezing fruits for smoothies or baking them in breads or bars. Until use I just keep them in package farmers market sold in. I have raised herb garden but in winter I keep herbs potted on Windowsill. Thus always having fresh herbs and not wasting herbs bought from store that always wilt in fridge prior to use. Great solution!
Kasey C.
June 2, 2019
I keep eggs in the covered cardboard (or styrofoam) carton, but only because an egg will evaporate through the shell. It won't hurt anything, and it doesn't mean the eggs won't keep as long, but why have the waste? And because eggshells are porous, sometimes odors (fish, anyone? how about garlic? onions) will permeate the uncovered shells. Even if they're slightly oiled, I always keep them covered, to slow the process. ;-)
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