Chamomile Lemon Cupcakes with Honey Buttercream Frosting
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13 Reviews
July 24, 2021
I made these and they turned out really well! My family really enjoyed them, and I will definitely make them again. I didn't have 1/2 of tea leaves, so I just used 3 tea bags of the tea, which worked really well and didn't give too much of an overbearing flavour. 100% recommend :)
August 21, 2018
Just made these and I did not strain the leaves because the recipe didn't indicate to do so. I also made the buttercream as directed but it's too buttery and less like icing so I now have to modify so as not to waste it. I added 1 extra cup of powdered sugar, one tablespoon of cold chamomile tea, one teaspoon of lemon zest. It's still buttery but more icing like and less like flavored butter.
February 2, 2018
Just made the cupcakes (not the buttercream)--absolutely lovely, thank you. Wouldn't change a thing. I did not make the buttercream, as I have a swiss buttercream recipe that I like to use. Light, delicate, sophisticated cupcakes.
March 20, 2015
Cupcakes were good, simmer the team bags in the butter, and you only need to strain the tea leaves if the bags break.
Buttercream was a disaster, tasked like honey-flavored butter. Better off doing a french buttercream, with honey (Rose Levy-Birenbaum).
Buttercream was a disaster, tasked like honey-flavored butter. Better off doing a french buttercream, with honey (Rose Levy-Birenbaum).
October 18, 2013
I was so excited to try this recipe but it didn't say to strain the tea leaves from the butter! Maybe you could edit the recipe to add that, if that is the correct method? I feel like an idiot that I didn't think of that on my own but such is life.
March 7, 2013
A great dish. Love the combination of lemon and camomile. And what a picture, it makes me want to dig into it right away!
March 10, 2013
haha I have to thank food52 for the great photo :D do try it!
March 7, 2013
These certainly do look irresistible. Any dessert that involves lemons makes my heart go pitter-patter!
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