The Single Most Genius Thing You Can Do to a Ripe Tomato
Or even the not-ripe ones—plus 6 ways to eat them
Photo by Julia Gartland

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September 10, 2017
My all time favorite thing to do with tomatoes. I prefer grape, with their low water content, but romas with the watery, seedy center removed work quite well too. Yum.
Pamela L.
September 9, 2017
Why does the recipe call for Roma (plum tomatoes) when the photo is grape tomatoes?
September 8, 2017
Another amazing recipe on Food 52 to use ripe, summer tomatoes is the roasted tomato jam... marvelous!
Rose L.
September 8, 2017
not a Fall goes by that i don't do oven roast tomatoes since i learned about it on a trip to Melbourne, AU. i freeze them afterwards and have them for the whole winter.
Ellen O.
September 8, 2017
One way I preserve dried tomatoes is to layer them in a mason jar alternating with basil leaves, and pour over olive oil to cover. Keeps in refrigerator for several months. The tomatoes remain soft, and easy to cut up for sauce or spread on a pizza. The yummy basil is an extra bonus!
Judith P.
September 8, 2017
'So glad to get the basil pesto nudge, thank you! I love roasting tomatoes. Since they're usually more urgently needed than a 2+ hour roast will allow, I like to place them on a bed of sliced shallot, fresh rosemary and thyme sprigs, drizzle on olive oil, sprinkle on kosher salt, and in to a 400-degree oven they go for 40-60 minutes. Then a zig-zag of aged balsamic vinegar when they come out. And, a kudos to "Genius Recipes." Our son discovered the guacamole recipe, and we are grateful!
September 8, 2017
Can I use my dehydrator instead of the oven? That would air-dry them rather than heat-dry them and probably wouldn't take as long.
September 8, 2017
The link for Orangette doesn't work....
Joan -.
September 8, 2017
Here's a good link to beautiful writing and photos.
Joan -.
September 8, 2017
BTW - The "recipe" and photo on the Food 52 "Oops message" are worth the detour. Yummy for the eye and the tummy.
[email protected]
September 8, 2017
Trader Joe's 21 Spice Salute and /or Smoked Paprika works well(no salt in the mix) or Badia's Garlic & Parsley is a staple in my Kitchen
Karen L.
September 8, 2017
I do this all the time, especially when I have tomatoes I won't get to eat and don't want them to go bad. They are great tossed with pasta with pesto and sausage. That's my fave! But so many options!
[email protected]
September 8, 2017
Thanks for Sharing , Now I have another topping for my Home Made Pizza with Basil
& Mozzarella
& Mozzarella
September 6, 2017
Roasted tomatoes are wonderful! Been doing this for as long as I can remember. This method produces incredible flavor.
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